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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Blog: Do you think year round schooling is a good idea?

1 comment:

  1. Blog:
    In my opinion, year round schooling could work well in some situations but not in others. I feel that when children are used to going to school for three quarters of the year, and they see other children all over the country on summer vacation, year round school will be difficult for them. On the other hand, if all students go to school year round, it could be very beneficial.
    There are many advantages to year round schooling. For example, parents do not have to pay for child care in the summer. In addition, kids won’t stop learning for a long period of time and will reduce the amount of time reviewing and relearning in the beginning of the year. Also, this schedule allows for fewer students to be in school at the same time.
    Although these are great advantages, I think that it would be hard for kids in one school district to start year round schooling when others wouldn’t. Students’ grades might even drop if they become less motivated during the time that they are usually out of school.
    A summer vacation can also be an educational, worthwhile time for a child. The summer is a time that kids can exercise and do additional learning on their own. A child might spend more time with their family, or go on an educational vacation. The summer can be a very educational time if used efficiently.
    This is not the case for every student, as many do not have an ideal family and economic situations. I do not have a solution for this problem, but it is a dilemma that should be carefully deliberated.
